I bring you a powerful portrait study of a brave, wondrous muse, artist and all around powerful and beautiful woman: Queen Bead!
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Queen Bead )
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Queen Bead )
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Queen Bead )
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Queen Bead )
(process shot taken by Danny )
Saturday was a hot one so as soon as Danny and I got to our shoot location, T.Ruth Artspace Gallery, we cranked the AC. Queen Bead arrived around 10:30am and we got to painting after plugging in a few fans in the back of the gallery.
(process shot taken by Danny )
I was truly amazed at how quickly this body painting was finished. We got started around 10:30am and finished around 1:30pm, then took pictures till around 2:30/3pm.
Queen Bead was my 12 body painting for this series/women's study and I am very pleased with the photos and how it all turned out.
I was positively bursting with inspiration as soon as i met this woman a couple months ago at the art fair "Craft in the Village" in Vancouver WA. She was sitting at a booth with her son selling colored pencil and ink illustrations of powerful queens, empresses and goddesses. I was entranced by her persona and energy and couldn't help but run up and ask if she might be interested in modeling for my body painting women's study. To my glee she instantly seemed interested in the project saying it sounds like just the thing she needs for her CD/Album cover art! Turns out she is an inspired reggae singer- her stage name being Queen Bead. Listen to a few of her songs here. ( my favorite song of hers is the one called "Barefoot Healer")
I feel blessed to have her unique energy and beauty entered in to this project of mine- the universe works in mysterious and wonderful ways!
More from this shoot to be posted soon.
Much love,
-Chelsea Rose